ARTICLE I: Name, Acronym, Purposes and Authoritative Limitations
Section 1: Name
The name of this organization shall be the Software Engineering Constituent Committee of the professional Interest Council II of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE).
Section 2: Acronym
The acronym of this Constituent Committee shall be SwECC, and shall be written as SwECC appears in this sentence.
Section 3: Purposes
The purposes of the organization include the following:
- Leadership
- Provide leadership and coordination with ASEE to enhance the knowledge of Software Engineering (SwE) education
- Promoting, providing guidance & advice on educational programs in SwE and for careers in SwE education
- Outreach
- Forum for discussion by all engineering educators in the discipline of SwE
- Outreach activities with other engineering disciplines to educate them on the importance and relevancy of software engineering practice and process.
- Cooperation and collaboration with other professional societies that have interests in SwE education
- Publication Activities
- Discussion, Research and Dissemination of latest educational techniques in fields pertaining to SwE
- Discussion, Research and Dissemination of latest specific assessment pertaining to SwE education
- Discussion, Research and Dissemination of curricula and materials in various SwE fields
- Periodic communication with SwE educators
Section 4: Authoritative Limitations
The Constituent Committee’s By-Laws shall be determined by itself; but its By-Laws (as well as its operations) shall be consistent with the constitution, By-Laws and operating procedures of ASEE and the By-Laws of the ASEE Council in which it has membership.
ARTICLE II: Membership
Membership eligibility shall be in accordance with established ASEE practices. (Non-ASEE members have SwECC publication subscription and seminar attendance privileges.)
ARTICLE III: Organization and Officers, Executive Committee, Officer Election and Replacement, Officer Tenure, and Officer Responsibilities
Section 1: Officers and Board of Directors
The Division's officers shall be the following:
- Past-Chair
- Chair
- Vice-Chair
- Secretary-Treasurer
- Program Chair
Section 2: Officer Election and Replacement
Election of officers will take place at the annual Constituent Committee meetings, which will be held during the period of the annual ASEE conference; time, date and place of the Constituent Committee's annual meeting will be communicated to all Constituent Committee members not less than thirty days before the actual meeting; and election of officers to fulfill officer vacancies will occur during the annual meeting.
The Executive Committee will present candidates for each office to be filled, but will accept nominations made from the floor during any election meeting.
The majority vote of the Constituent Committee members attending an election meeting will select the officers; but voting for each office will be done individually.
In the event that any officer position becomes vacant during the period between annual election meetings, the Executive Committee shall fill the vacancy in one of the following ways:
- during a special meeting called by the Chair; or
- during the annual Constituent Committee meeting; or
- C. by conducting a vote by mail or electronic mail
Section 3: Officer Tenure
All officers will serve a one-year term.
The Chair, Secretary-Treasurer, and Program Chair shall be elected on an annual basis.
The outgoing Chair will automatically become the Past-Chair and the outgoing Program Chair will automatically become the Vice-Chair. This is to provide continuity from year to year on the Executive Committee.
Newly-elected officers shall begin their terms concurrently with the beginning of the society operating year (currently July 1 of each year and ending June 30 of the following year.
Section 4: Officer Responsibilities
In addition to any responsibilities required by ASEE the officers will have the following responsibilities:
- The Chairman shall be responsible for the Constituent
Committee's overall operations. This includes:
- Chairing all meetings
- Acting as the primary representative for the Constituent Committee
- The Past-Chair shall serve as a mentor to the Constituent
Committee as follows:
- Act as an at-large representative to members of the Constituent Committee
- Act as a nominating chair to insure that at least one qualified candidate is recommended for each officer position at the election meeting
- Aid the chair in acting as a liaison to other organizations with an interest in Software Engineering and Software Engineering education
- The Vice-Chair shall be responsible for the following:
- Will act as Chair for Constituent Committee meetings when the Chairman is unable to be present
- Prepare the annual budget request
- Assist the Past-Chair in liaison activities
- Provide mentorship to the Program Chair
- The Secretary-Treasurer shall be responsible for the following:
- Keeping meeting minutes
- Managing, maintaining, and filing all financial records in accordance with ASEE policy
- Keeping membership and all other records
- The Program Chair shall be responsible for the following:
- Development of the Constituent Committee’s paper session programs offered during the period of the annual ASEE meetings
- Paper session coordinator for such other intra-society or inter-society programs as assigned by the Chair
ARTICLE IV: Meetings of the Constituent Committee
In addition to the annual Constituent Committee meetings, the Chair may, when necessary, call special meetings.
Section 1: Quorum
A quorum for meetings of the Executive Committee shall consist of a minimum of four members of the Board. Proxies are acceptable.
ARTICLE V: By-Laws' Changes
By-Laws' changes approved by a 2/3 or more vote of the Executive Committee will be submitted to the Constituent Committee’s membership thirty days or more before the Constituent Committee's annual meeting. A 2/3 (or larger) favorable vote by Constituent Committee members attending the annual meeting will be required to authorize any By-Laws' change. Votes by mail or electronic mail, however, will be accepted.
ARTICLE VI: Seminar Policies, Schedules and Costs
Except for the ASEE Annual Conference seminars and/or inter-society seminars, the Chair shall be responsible for approving the content and charges for seminar operations.
ARTICLE VII: Division Dues
Annual Constituent Committee dues of SwECC members shall be $0